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Waste management – environment protection find more on google lego by Ideo lego masters

Ecology and healthy life is a really common topic (also for Us lego masters) these days which concerns everybody. I’m into this subject, too because I graduated AGH University of Science and Technology for environment protection. That’s why I decided to help in increasing awareness of waste recycling and care for nature.

Waste management – how to do this properly by lego masters?

An important aspect of environmental protection is to deepen our conscience about that, that’s why me and Hewelianum Centre from Gdańsk took up a challenge to educate people about waste management. The Association of Marine Towns and Communes started a project named “Waste under control” which introduced in Google Lego my new maquette by lego masters, simultaneously teaching about basics of ecology. The aim was to reach the largest group of respondents and therefore the model was traveling across the Pomerania to such cities as Koszalin, Szczecin and Gdańsk, where it stayed for good. If you are curious about learning of taking care of mother Earth on living, I invite you to the Hewelianum Centre, where you can see the model with the specific description and tips for working on our environmental quality.

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#BadPirateWaste management – environment protection find more on google lego by Ideo lego masters

LEGO alternative models factory Melamina Azoty Pulawy made of Lego blocks

LEGO alternative models: Melamina Azoty Puławy, i.e. your company, factory made of Lego blocks.

We specialize in building LEGO alternative models (maquettes made of blocks) on request. We adapt flexibly to the needs of the client and the budget. That is why we offer models of new Lego blocks in several scales of minifigures and mini and micro scales. An ideal scale matched to this order, i.e. the construction of a chemical station for Azoty Puławy was the micro scale.

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#BadPirateLEGO alternative models factory Melamina Azoty Pulawy made of Lego blocks

Buildings made of mini blocks lego the Cistercian Abbey in Sulejów.

Buildings made of mini blocks lego because sometimes it takes just a few hours and there’s the Cistercian Abbey in Sulejów.

Buildings made of mini blocks lego, one of them is the order of the local government from Sulejów, precisely the Church from the Monastery of the Cistercian abbey in Sulejów – located in Podklasztorze (currently the district of Sulejów), one of the best preserved Cistercian groups in Poland, which is a monument of Romanesque architecture. On October 22, 2012, the facility was added to the list of Historical Monuments. Thus, since it is an important Polish facility. Saint Thomas of Canterbury church is a three-aisled basilica whose date of building completion is assumed to be the year of consecration of the church i.e. 1232. The structure of the church has been preserved intact. The front of the church is decorated with a Romanesque portal and a rosette. The equipment of the temple comes from the Baroque and Rococo period. Because of the fact that it is a very old facility with an interesting shape, we have found that we can present it in an interesting way using Lego bricks. Nevertheless, such a model is one of these models easy to build from Lego bricks.

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#BadPirateBuildings made of mini blocks lego the Cistercian Abbey in Sulejów.

Lego bricks LEGO buy and sell constructions exhibition – models by Matt Kustra

Lego bricks constructions exhibition – LEGO buy and sell mock models by Matt Kustra

I just love building Lego bricks constructions. That is why I have been working on my own private collection for several years. My Lego bricks exhibition was enlarged by a new micro mock model. Designed by Ideo from Lego bricks, a micro mock model of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. The mock model is ideal as a desk or house decoration. While making the design, 400 Lego bricks were used. The effects of our work can be seen at the visualization at the Lego Gallery.

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#BadPirateLego bricks LEGO buy and sell constructions exhibition – models by Matt Kustra