
LEGO model shop for olders, Town Stadium in Poznan build with bricks

LEGO model shop for olders, Town Stadium in Poznan build with bricks

Although these were the first time we build a model of LEGO blocks on somebodys request. The effect was very satisfactory. We managed to fit the grass part that faithfully reflected the actual grass and lines of the real football field with gates and ads on the sides of the field. Designed by the Ideo Team, a model of the Town Stadium in Poznan. The stadium model was afterwards used as the office decoration. Project of the Town Stadium in Poznan – a model of the lego for the older, idea of Matt Kustra from Ideo Bricks.

Such a set is the perfect gift for an adult Lego devotee. Project of the Town Stadium in Poznan – LEGO model by Ideo Bricks.

Such a set is the perfect gift for an adult Lego fan. Project of the Town Stadium in Poznan – idea of Matt Kustra from Ideo Brickss. The project was created on the basis of photos from the Internet. For the process of creating it, in the mini scale the team used 3,300 Lego Bricks. It was a small model but very impressive. It will certainly will a lot of fun to all football fans and Lego Blocks fans. Ideo Bricks team can create for you designe and model of any car or building set that you can only imagine. We will also take care of the rest including the construction and delivery of the item. Sets made of a thousand blocks can be placed by the ordering party, but the ones above thousand are prefered to be build on the place of destination. Such models are surely loved by all fans of sports and blocks. We encourage you to order another stadium or building by using our team service. Since the first order, which I described to you in this text, we have built a lot of interesting models. We invite you to have a look on our other models and to contact with us in case of any questions.

Mateusz Matt Kustra LCP

#BadPirateLEGO model shop for olders, Town Stadium in Poznan build with bricks
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