scale model warehouse

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InzBud scale LEGO bricks model! Commission Your architectural scale model NOW!

LEGO miniature bricks for twentieth anniversary in the company’s headquarters – Commission scale model dor InzBud

LEGO is not only entertainment for long autumn evenings, but also a great way to celebrate important events! This is what my model was used by the InżBud group from Rybnik. On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary in the company’s headquarters stood its miniature created from LEGO bricks – Commission scale model . I guess there is no better way to celebrate long-term maintenance in the business market than miniature construction engineering! And the board of InżBud has set such an original model, and for me, it has become another pleasant combination of work and entertainment.

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#BadPirateInzBud scale LEGO bricks model! Commission Your architectural scale model NOW!