- The scale 1:23 up, which relates to Legoland® buildings, distinguishes itself as far the most precise. The models from this range are addressed to refined collectors who want to surprise others with such a unique model. It is going to be a real state-of-art work that will delight real art critics with the highest amount of details.
- The scale of 1:50 taken straight from the world of LEGO® minifigures, contains a lot of LEGO details that are enjoyable not only for the youngest. You can build literally anything at this scale. It will be an amazing model, which no one could pass by indifferently, and many will stay here for longer.
- The 1:100 or “average” scale is perfect for large properties, architectural and landscape mock-ups that can be used to show large areas with as much details as possible. It is an architectural model that every architect and engineer dreams of.
- Scales from 1:400 to 1:800 with the possibility of wall mounting, are considered as small models scale. They are easy to transport, and available at reasonable prices. All passers-by will be surprised how much can be shown with these little tiny-shiny colourful bricks.
- The smallest “micro” scale less than 1:1000 (architectural mock-ups like “Architecture”) are great as a gift for self-building, and, although they are not large enough, they still bring a lot of pleasure and joy to hobbyists, being seen as ideal for office decoration.
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Joint construction during a family or school meeting.
Sophisticated and exceptional event for your school or the whole family, which might end up with a beautiful model of the House, a school build, a picture, a logo or a monument. Play with your friends or family members while building a model together. During the event each brick fan or team will be given

Your Hotel or Restaurant model built of LEGO® bricks
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Your LEGO® bricks museum
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